Vietnamese Language and Culture Camp  新住民語文樂學計畫

Vietnamese Language and Culture Camp 

Changhua County, Taiwan (9/12/2024) – Changsing Junior High School recently hosted a summer camp to introduce students to the beauty of Vietnamese culture and language. The learning camp began on July 1st and ended on August 30th. These two months of fun and learning were sponsored by the Ministry of Education as part of their "New Immigrant Language Fun Learning Program."

Students who took part in the camp had plenty of exciting and enriching activities to experience. These activities included learning Vietnamese phrases and culture, cooking traditional Vietnamese dishes, creating beautiful crafts and practicing songs and dances.

The camp taught students the value of other cultures and learning to respect people from different parts of the world. This camp encouraged students to bond with people from neighboring countries and learn from each other. Now that the students have a better understanding of Southeast Asia, surely they will cherish the memories and value everything they learned about Vietnam and its language. 

Edited by Edwin Schadewald

台灣彰化縣(2024年9月12日) — 彰興國中近日舉辦了一場夏令營,讓學生們體驗越南語言與文化之美。這場為期兩個月的學習營從7月1日開始,到8月30日結束。此次營隊由教育部贊助,作為「新住民語文樂學計畫」的一部分。

